"The time a lawyer spends giving back through sites like this show passion for the law and compassion for people. Kudos to you for helping so many people."

                                                            John P. Esq.

"Mr. Tischhauser is an asset to the bar, and his contributions to this site demonstrate the strength of his knowledge and his passion for helping people with legal issues"

                                                              Daniel R. Esq.

"This is a "go-to", no-nonsense lawyer. I appreciate his analysis and his reactions to what's proposed and his ability to cut to the chase.

David W, Esq.

"Mark is a real down to earth guy that understands his client needs. I will definitely use his services again in the future if the need arises again. Thank you Mark!"



Why Pro-Se Power Training?



courtroom and litigation training for the everyday person




Our Instructors

All Pro-Se Power Training instructors are licensed attorneys with actual courtroom and litigation experience. read more

Pro-Se Power Training was founded on the belief that, if everyone has the right to represent themselves in court, they have an equal right to be shown how to do so properly!


The people have spoken!  The system is broken! Whether from skyrocketing costs of litigation, increased access to legal information, inability hire competent legal counsel or a traditional distrust of lawyers, over the past 10 years, people have been flocking to the courts and choosing to represent themselves to resolve their disputes rather than hire lawyers.  

Through my involvement in literally thousands of civil claims, lawsuits, mediations, arbitrations and appeals,including a substantial practice in small claims litigation, I have had the opportunity to consult with and observe literally thousands of pro-se litigants, both those that won and those the lost their cases. Given this unique perspective, I came to the realization that the common trait among those that lost their case in court, was that  they entered the courtroom with false confidence that they would win because(a) they were right and the other side was wrong (b) the judge would see the truth or (c) they used the "right" forms. This was typically borne from the misguided notion that because they bought some sample forms online or at the court house, got some "tips" from a website, paralegal or a "jail house lawyer" and  researched "the law" on the internet, they were properly prepared to go to court. Sadly, these people learn the hard way that its not the "truth system" or the "fair system" but the LEGAL system and lose in blisteringly painful fashion, not because they were wrong, or the court got bought off or the other side lied, but simply because they had no idea what they were doing. It is often said that "justice is based on the amount of truth you can prove" and therein lies the problem.......90% of pro-se litigants don't understand how to prove the truth of things in court cases and no way to effectively learn how.....until now.

Pro-Se Power Training was developed to fill that gap. Our goal at Pro-se Power is to establish a meaningful framework for guidance, discussion and knowledge about the legal system and litigation process, provided by actual lawyers who have "been there and done that"  and  are willing to pass on their hard earned wisdom to directly to you.  Rather than spend thousands of hours randomly trying to make sense of a legal system that even confuses trained lawyers doing it for living, our seminars are designed to provide you the distilled and specific information you need to know, in a face to face full day seminar and taught by actual lawyers who can show you how to do your best in court. Better yet, we designed these seminars to be offered at a price that is equal to or less than the cost of a single hour of  typical lawyer time. This is information that you won't find in some fill in the blank form, a blurb from some random lawyer on a website, or doled out by some angry at the world "pro-se guru" with tales of how he "won this case" or "beat that hotshot lawyer" amid rants about conspiracy theories. Pro-Se Power seminars are focused on the nuts and bolts of the litigation process and providing you useful tools and resources to take what you learn in our seminars, put it to immediate use, and also allow you to continue to expand your knowledge and skills on your own.

Mark Tischhauser, Esq.

Powerful Information

Pro-Se Power Training seminars provide real information from real lawyers  read more

Amazing Value

  • Full Day Seminars
  • Costs less than a typical 1 hour consultation
  • ​No prior legal or educational experience required. Take any seminar anytime you like.